Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jackson is One!

We can’t believe a year has already gone by. It seems like such a whirlwind since we found out we were going to have Jackson after trying for so long, to the day he was born, to his first tooth, first steps, and now his first birthday! Jackson has blessed our lives in more ways than he will ever know this past year. We feel like we are the luckiest parents in the world to have such a sweet, happy and healthy boy. He has the most big beautiful blue eyes, rosy cheeks, funny sense of humor and strong will & determination that we have ever seen on a one year old! We pray that God will keep him safe and healthy and that we will be the best parents we can be. We have so many hopes and dreams for Jackson and look forward to helping him make his own hopes and dreams come true too likes he's done for so many of ours. Happy birthday sweet boy! We love you more than you can ever imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jackson, Happy Birthday to you! Love, Uncle Greg & Aunt Lana