Thursday, July 24, 2008


As I was feeding Jackson dinner tonight he finally said, "Mama mama." I am wondering if it was because he wanted me to give him food and he was trying to say "mine" or if he really meant to say "mama" so I would give him the food. Either way, it's a YEAR after he first said "Dada" although, I'll take what I can get.

He's also started cheering by clapping his hands and saying "Yay!" It's so funny to see him get so excited about things. It's becoming increasingly difficult to take his picture now. He runs away giggling or tries to grab the camera!

In other Avery news, Scott made his first Eagle today on the golf course...He thinks he'll definitely be ready for the Senior Tour when the time comes (haha).

Here's the only decent picture I could get of him tonight after dinner (notice the green bean deposit on his forehead)?

1 comment:

Jessica & Clif Barnes said...

Cute picture! Bennett has the same outfit. He is walking now and trying to keep up with Parker.